Molluscum Contagiosum

Molluscum Contagiosum

My four year old boy has had contagium molluscum for six months now. The doctor said he doesn’t like to treat it in children so young (too painful) and that it’s self limiting. After some more research, I found out it can last for years. I became desperate when my son was crying saying the kids at preschool were laughing and teasing him, saying he had chicken pox. On reading your Success Stories I was very skeptical, but desperate to do something, as he had about sixty dots on him by this stage and they were increasing and moving down his arms and legs, so they were more obvious and would also become more visible in shorts and Tshirts in summer. I got some of your skin spray two weeks ago and used it over the school holidays and already the dots are almost gone, they are now flat (not raised) and still a bit red, but I think in two more weeks there will be no remaining evidence they were ever there. Thank you. I am so grateful (and my son is so happy they’re going) and I’m about to order another bottle (it’s also very good on my eczema).
J. H. Australia. 26 October, 2009

Thank you for such a wonderful product. My eight yr old daughter was diagonised end of May with this virus. I was told by our doctor that there is no treatment and that the virus would leave her system within the next 5 years. I was told she could not swim if her sores were opened wounds. This was devistating to our daughter as she is in swimming training and the doctor could not give her a definate time she could return to the water. I reasearched her condition on the internet and found your product. I brought some and thank you. Three weeks later they have all but disappeared. I have printed off your Success Stories and I am now going to my local doctor to share the information. A few mothers at my childs swim squad are having the same symptoms and I have recommended this product to them also. I never usually write Success Stories but I have to tell everyone about this product. It is wonderful and I love Dr Chris for helping my child. From a very happy Mum.
K. R. Australia. 23 August, 2009

I have just ordered my second tube of Skin recovery cream as I have found it absolutely fantastic. My daughter had molloscum so I was so happy when I found out about this cream. I was even happier when after 3 weeks the spots were completely gone. Since then I have been using it on my hands which are prone to dryness in winter and it has made a huge difference. I have recommended this cream to everyone including my doctor who told me nothing could be done about my daughters molluscum. So thank you very much.
E. K. New Zealand. 20 July, 2009

Firstly, we had no idea that molluscum was so common! Having read many articles on the internet I decided to buy the wheatgrass cream. Our daughter had a severe case but contained to under her neck and the backs of her knees. After three weeks the spots had faded and so had the excema type rash she had with it. Week four and the spots are nearly gone. We did have some very nasty ones burnt off at the doctors as well. Considering most information tells you that you need to expect them to disappear after nine months, I am extremely grateful to have read other peoples Success Stories and would recommend this product in eliminating the spots quickly. Thanks.
E & J. H. New Zealand. 12 June, 2009

A few months ago my three year old son was diagnosed with Molloscum and we were told that there were two alternatives: leave it and it could take upto two years for his body to fight it off or burning or taping. These were not an option for us. So I decided to search the internet for a natural remedy, hence it led me to your wonderful cream. I have tried natural options before but this unsightly rash questioned the reliabilty of your cream. I read all the Success Stories and thought why not?

I thought I would give it two weeks and if we didn’t see any improvement atleast we gave it a go.
Week 1 new spread on arms and legs slightly disappearing. 
Week two rash on arm & legs disappearing and the ugly ones under the arm and torso looking less frightening.
Week 3-4 all arms and legs cleared, less of an appearence on the torso. 
Week 5 -6 all gone and a very happy child.
Put the cream on twice a day and thats all. Thank you so much . I will always keep a tube in the first aid drawer.
M. B. Australia. 27 April, 2009

I just wanted to let you know that I am raving about this product to everyone I know! My daughter was diagnosed with molluscum by our GP who told me there was no real treatment for it – I would have to wait for her to grow out of it. Anyway, her rash got worse until it covered her back, abdomen, elbows and knee joints. She also had excema which didn’t help. She was scratching all the time and spreading the rash. At my wits end, I ordered a tube of the Skin Recovery cream and applied it twice a day. Within 2 weeks – all gone! Even better, her excema has disappeared also! I now use it for any skin irritations that appear on anyone in my family. Thank you for supplying such a phenominal product.
A. V. New South Wales. 11 April, 2009

I have recently purchased the Skin Recovery Cream for my son who had Molloscum Contagiousum on his left side of chest and back. WOW, this cream is awesome and I have had some great results. The Molloscum was quite red, inflammed and what looked almost infected. My GP said the only alternative I had to get rid of them was to burn them off or have them lanced. As my son was on 12mths old at the time I chose the other alternative option given which was to leave them and they would go at about 2yrs of age.

I was not happy with the way they were looking so I did some research on the internet and found this totally amazing and awesome product. After 1x85mls tube of cream they are almost gone, and have decreased by atleast 90%. There are probably only about 10 of them left and I am just so amazed at the result. They cream seems to be helping with the scaring of a few and is also getting rid of the remaining ones. Thank You soooooooo much, I will most certainly be recommending this cream to friends and have ordered some more to keep on hand. I LOVE this product!!
K. K. New South Wales, Australia. 6 March 2009

I believe that my wife e mailed you some time ago regarding our experience with your wheatgrass spray in the treatment of our daughter’s mollusca contagiosa, and she has told me of your acknowledgement of her testimonial. I really just want to add my own praise and sense of relief and gratitude for your product.

At 46 years of age, I am by nature a cynic, and when we turned to “alternative” treatments for our little girl’s unsightly, & painful, warts I did fear that we were about to embark upon an expensive, frustrating and ultimately disappointing journey.

To my surprise and joy we found the results of using the spray were every bit as successful as the various Success Stories we had read on your web site had described. Our little girl’s warts had been quite widespread, covering most of the right hand side of her body, especially her arm, side and leg. Some of the warts were really quite large, like gnarled old adult’s hand warts, and, due to the unavoidable itching involved, one had even become badly infected.  

Within two weeks of using the spray, the warts had visibly begun to reduce in size and appearance, and after a further week they had gone completely, save for a few small & minor scars which we are confident will fade with time.

The difference this has made to all our lives has been enormous – little Charis was finding the warts more and more painful and bothersome, and I was spending hours each day worried that her life was going to be made miserable as the warts spread and lead to the sort of teasing that goes on between children. We have continued to use the spray, sparingly, from the “skin recovery” point of view.

You have removed a major source of unhappiness from my family’s life. Many thanks indeed.
M. H. Lancashire, UK. 30 January, 2009

I am just wanting to write to you to say how pleased I am with your wheatgrass cream. My daughter suffers from molluscums in her groin area and within a week of using your cream one had nearly disappeared and the rest were on their way out – the results have been so pleasing that I gave your pamphlet to my daughters daycare to advise other parents of your product. It is such a relief to finally find a cure for this problem. Many thanks
R. P. Otaki, New Zealand. 30 January, 2009

The cream has worked really well, the molluscum is all gone now and no new spots, this was after 3 weeks of use and we also combined an olive leaf extract to help boost his immune system. Thanks for your help.
S. B. New South Wales, Australia. 19 December, 2008

My 3 y.o daughter developed a patch of white spots on her thigh that then spread to her tummy. The Doctor told me they were warts and there was nothing I could do. I became alarmed after several months when they started becoming like pimply sores and spreading down her arms and around her bottom.

Believing they were no longer warts I started my research on the internet and found Dr Wheatgrass and the photos for Molluscum contagiosum. I bought the Gel immediately and after two weeks I could see there was a significant improvement and now after three weeks her skin is nearly clear.

Thank you for saving us. Unfortunately parents seem to be told by Doctors that this virus cannot be treated and the children have to suffer great discomfort. I am so glad that I found this product and it is amazing.
A. S. Victoria, Australia. 10 December, 2008

On my 5 year old son, I noticed a number of small, hard ‘bites’ on his back. Over a period of weeks they spread all over his back and became large, red, pimpley sores. Over quite a few months we tried a few skin treatments but nothing helped. After looking on the internet I saw information on

The problem was “Molluscum Contagiosum” and this had gone on for 7 months now. Flaring up and spreading. After reading other Success Stories we immediately purchased the Skin Recovery Spray and some cream. Within a few weeks our sons back began to heal. After 2 months we have no more problems. After 12 months he has been completely clear of them.

Recently another son had Molluscum Contagiosum appare on his arms, legs and tummy. We started with Dr Wheatgrass cream and after one month, they are all fading and we have not seen the concentrated spread that our first son had to endure.

I never write these Success Stories, but we are 100% happy with DrWheatgrass and felt others parents should know it works!
A. B. New South Wales. Australia. 25 November, 2008

I have been applying the wheatgrass cream on my son’s molluscum twice a day for just over 3 weeks now. I am amazed at how the affected areas are clearing up and the spots are slowly disappearing. To be told by doctors “there is nothing you can use on the spots and it will go away within 9 – 12 months” was not an option for me. I highly recommend the wheatgrass cream.
M. Kaiapoi, New Zealand. 23 November, 2008


I must admit I was very sceptical when I read other Success Stories about the wheatgrass spray but I thought it was worth a try. My daughter had had some molluscum’s for some months and the doctors had told me they would eventually go away and not to worry but then all of a sudden they multiplied rapidly and spread all over her body. I’m talking 100+. She couldn’t stop scratching them which would result in them bleeding. They looked terrible and we were fast approaching summer. To my absolute amazement, I’m not kidding within 2 weeks the difference was amazing and now we are in the 4th week and she has one left and the scarring from the others is barely noticeable and she is even having a pool party for her birthday in a couple of weeks.

I’ve written this email just to give others like myself who are sceptical about purchasing online the confidence to do so. THIS PRODUCT IS AMAZING!!!! My only disappoinment is that I didn’t take before and after photo’s so I could post those.

L. H. Australia. 22 November,2008

I have been using the wheatgrass spray on my 2yo’s molluscum. I noticed a fairly fast response, & now after only 2 weeks of use they have almost all cleared up! Much faster result than I expected. Thank-you for a great product!
F. B. Australia. 17 September, 2008

Hi there, 10 days ago I started using your cream and doing the supershots on my 3 and a half year old daughter Jemma’s molluscum. I am absolutely amazed at the results we are having so quickly. We are taking phots and look forward to sharing our results (especially with the skin specialist who said there was nothing that would clear it up). Cheers.
D. New Zealand. 26 August, 2005.

I just wanted to write and say that the Dr Wheatgrass Antioxidant Skin Recovery Spray has worked wonders on my 4 year old daughters Molluscum Contagiosum. For 12 months she had a dozen or so spots on her bottom and leg which our doctor told us would go away in time without intervention. Relatives had also had molluscum and found this to be the case so we didn’t worry as she only had so few. Gradually a few of the spots festered and spread to create larger more painful areas of skin which would reduce her to tears at bathtime. I began searching the internet. At first I only found treatments that would no doubt distress my daughter but then I came across the Dr Wheatgrass site. I was dubious at first, wondering how something that sounded very “hippy” could possibly work. After reading all the info and Success Stories I decided that I should at least give your product a go, after all it was organic and non invasive. About 5 minutes after your package arrived we started treatment. My daughter was worried that the spray would hurt but was all smiles when it didn’t. 5 days after we started we noticed a change and within 2 weeks bath time was fun again. 2 months later we are still spraying but the spots are faint reminders of what they once were! Now my 2 year old has produced 4 extremely little spots which we have started spraying straight away so that they have no chance of developing in to the nightmare that her sister had to experience. Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou for such a fantastic product I will be spreading the word.
M. V. Canberra, Australia. 14 August, 2008

I would like this story to be viewed by others that visit your website as a testimonial to your wonderful and amazing product. My 13 yr old daughter devoveloped small red spots on the inside of her thighs about 8 months ago. At first i thought they were warts so i took her to our GP. Our GP decided to burn these so called warts and that was that – so I thought.. About 2 weeks later it appeared that these spots had come back but what was worse, even more appeared. She had them all down her inner thighs and also on her genital area. She was so distraught as she plays soccer and was too embarassed to wear her shorts. I went back to my GP and demanded a refferal to see a Dermaotlogist. The dermatologist had told us that she has the Molluscum virus. He prescribed medications and creams to use on her which resulted in burning her skin and I had a very unhappy 13 yr old…. Her confidence had hit rock bottom as she now had a couple of spots on her face and didnt even want to got to school. At this point the spots were raised,red and the size of five cent pieces. I was at my wits end and decided to seach the net for more information and alternative treatments. Thats when i came across ” DR WHEATGRASS “. I immediately went out and purchased the cream – I had nothing to lose. Within 1 week ( I kid you not ) the spots went down and were’nt as red as they were previously. It was easy to apply even to her face with no skin reaction at all. I was over the moon but the happiest of all was my daughter. She continued to persist with using the cream and it has now been 8 weeks and the spots are all gone !!! There is just some faded scarring which is not really noticeable. I urge any other parent which find themselves in the position I was in, to get the cream and wait for the results its truly AMAZING. Thank you so much for a wonderful product and for restoring my sanity.
S. S. Victoria, Australia. 28 July, 2008

My son contracted Molluscum approx 6 mth ago, there were only 3 spots, come January 3 spots turned into 30. I took him to the doctor and they told me what is was and that i just needed to wait it out or buy a very expensive ointment that didn’t have a 100% guarentee. I checked the internet and came across Dr Wheatgrass antioxidant spray, it has now been 5 weeks and all but a faint bit of redness, the mulluscom has vanished. We are all very pleased and impressed with this product, and often use it on other skin ailements. So thankyou for this product and i will be highly recommending it to people, also i think i should put a bottle on my sons doctor’s desk!
G. B. Victoria, Australia. 20 April, 2008

G’day Dr Chris, 
I just wanted to say thankyou very much for your product – the Antioxidant Skin Recovery Cream. My little son, Matthew 2yrs, came out with a couple of Molluscum Contagiousum spots in November last year. They never started to spread until the New Year, but boy did they spread. When we took him to our Dr she gave my husband a sheet of info on MC and said use Betadine. I googled MC to learn more about it and nearly fell off of my chair when I realised how bad it can get – the Dr made it sound like it was nothing to worry about and that it would go in no time.

Once I discovered how bad it can get and how long it can last, that’s when I started searching for something more promising than Betadine. I joined forums and read all sorts of stuff but the “miracle” cures were all from America. A lot of the potions/lotions/creams that people were importing sounded really harsh on the skin – I was too scared to use these on my son. I wanted something natural and something Aussie – and that’s when I came across your website.

My son has always had beautiful skin and I felt so bad for him that he had to be covered in these spots. When I first got the cream we used it three times a day – used a fresh towel each time we bathed him (morning and night) – new pair of pyjama’s each night and when the spots on his arms/legs were exposed (by wearing a t-shirt and shorts) I put bandaids over them if they looked like they were ready to burst or if he scratched them. I used the cream for about three months and his skin is clear and I am so happy for him. Thankyou for your product it was amazing and I really appreciate it and I’m sure Matthew does too.
J. E. Broken Hill, Australia. 3 April, 2008

Three weeks ago, our six year old son’s elbows were covered in Molluscum Contagiosum. He also had them on his stomach and down his legs. After visiting our GP on 3 separate occasions, having them frozen and lanced, he advised that they were ‘warts’ and they would go away eventually. I then discovered your ‘Wheatgrass cream” which I purchased and applied twice daily. They have now all disappeared.

How wonderful! I can’t wait to show our GP what amazing results we have had with your cream.
B. R. Australia. 11 March, 2008

Last year my 5yr old daughter got Molluscum, I had no idea what it was, after taking her to the Dr and being told there was nothing that could be done to get rid of it I was very upset. As it was spreading fast over the top of her body, I looked on the internet to find out more about it. I came across lots of sites claiming cures for Molluscum. Not knowing any of these people I found it hard to decide which one to choose, as I would be putting it on my 5yr old, I had to be very careful.

I chose your product it seemed the safest, and within a few days the spots where going, within a few weeks they were nearly all gone with no new ones appearing. I was so greatful, as my daughter was not in discomfort any longer.
D. M. South Australia. February, 2008

I wish to thank you for your wonderful product. My 7 year old son had the odd molluscum spot on his torso which my local doctors said to leave alone and let them run their course. Then it spread to his neck and the side of his face and it seemed to be spreading quite quickly. So I started surfing the web in the hope that some one out there had suggestions on what I could do. I came across methods that involved squeezing and taking the heads off the molluscum, all which seemed painful and risked scarring. Then I came across your website and was at my local health food store the next day buying your product. I bought the cream and used it twice a day every day. Then I read that the spray was twice as potent and I started using it instead. I feel that the spray did start to work quicker than the cream, but then it could be pure coincidence. It was also easier to spray my son’s face and neck and it dried very quickly and without staining his clothes, if it happen to drip on to it. It took almost 3 months of religiously spraying but they have totally disappeared. I cannot believe that GPs do not recommend this to patients and I will be taking a bottle into mine the next time I am at the clinic.
P. M. Australia. January, 2008

My eleven year old daughter suffered with an outbreak of Molluscum contagiosum last year. Our local GP confirmed the diagnosis, but gave no promises about how long the condition would remain. I purchased the Derma Wheat spray from your web site, in an attempt to speed up the healing of the sores. I was very happy to see that the treatment was preventing new outbreaks, as well as healing the existing sores. I am convinced that the wheatgrass spray was responsible for the condition clearing completely within four weeks. Since then we have used the spray to treat sunburn. Where all other products caused stinging, the wheatgrass was soothing and a great help during the healing process. Thank you for providing a product to use in the treatment of children’s conditions. It is so important to have a gentle, yet effective product available!
K. Y. South Australia. January, 2008

Just felt the need to forward on my sincere thanks and gratitude for producing a product that seriously does work. My 3 year old daughter has been suffering from contagious molluscum for several months now. I purchased the spray on Friday and having been using it over the weekend twice a day, it is now Monday and I cannot believe the difference. Bumps have almost halved in size and some have almost disappeared. Kindest Regards and Sincere thanks.
L. E. Australia. January, 2008

My 7 year old son had this condition under his arm, in his armpit and down the side of his upper body. All parents who have children who suffer from this condition, will understand the discomfort when the spots become inflamed and pop not to mention that having this condition really is so not cool!!!! My GP’s advice was to let the condition run its course and that there was nothing medically he could prescribe to help. Then, my research into alternative ways of healing the molluscums, produced Dr Wheatgrass!! Although it has taken up to 12 weeks of religiously applying the cream every evening he is almost completely molluscum free. I think it is important for potential users to understand that the cream probably does nothing to the actual molluscum but actually strengthens the skin to fight an existing spot plus keeps potential new ones at bay. I can highly reccommend this cream. Be patient parents and it will be so worth it!
Y. B. Australia. December, 2007

My 3-year-old son had Molluscum for over a year and it was getting worse by the week. Two doctors said nothing would work on it, and to let it run its course. It was quite irritating for my son, not to mention a visual oddity which brought questions from friends, family and at his daycare. We were desperate. After just a couple weeks of your spray, the spots began to disappear. Now, after almost eight weeks, they are entirely gone. Amazing! There is some eczema remaining, but seems to be responding well to the wheatgrass spray. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
S. S. USA. November, 2007

A few years ago my son suffered with Molluscum Contagiosom and we tried the taping up of the spots with elastoplast which didn’t really help and then I stumbled across the wheatgrass cream and gave it a try. I’m not sure if it was just co-incidence or not but the spots did seemed to disappear a lot quicker than the time frame we were given by a specialist. The condition seems to have been gone from quite some time now.
B. L. Australia. November, 2007

My grand daughter has had molluscum for months. We have tried tea-tree oil, wart removing creams….consulted doctors twice….with no success. Whilst surfing the net I came across your site and consequently tracked down your wheatgrass spray. After 2 weeks almost ALL molluscums have gone. Next visit to my Dr I’m going to tell him to recommend your treatment for his patients with molluscum. Awesome stuff!
J. G. Australia. November, 2007

I ordered the cream for my daughter for her molloscum. I would like to thank you for this fantastic product i highly recommend it. Her moloscum has all just about gone after suffering for nearly a year. I have also ordered the gel for my father who uses it for everything and also loves this product. I can’t thank you enough for this product and would recommend anyone to give it a try.
E. M. Australia. November, 2007

I’m an absolute FAN of your products, the cream in particular. I used the cream on my niece who had wart virus with warts all over her body. After applying the cream a couple of times, the warts stopped itching and seemed to dry up and disappear. Absolutely Wonderful!!
K. C. Australia. October, 2007

Melbourne. Australia. May 2003
My children and my brother’s children, my self and my sister in law have had molluscums for nearly three years now. We have treated them with “Transfer Factor ” a cow’s milk colostrum, and Thuja (herb)cream with no success. A skin specialist has burnt them with dry ice treatment which has removed individual spots however they have re emerged in other places six months later. My colleague at RDNS has informed me of the Wheat grass treatment. Could you please provide me with some more information for children aged from 11years to 4years and adults. Yours in desperate anticipation.
M. S., Royal District Nursing Service. Australia. 26th April 2004

I write to you with many thanks for introducing me to your product of Wheatgrass Skin Recovery Cream. My 4 year old daughter has suffered from molluscum contagiosum virus for over 12 months which has spread from both her arms to her torso and down her legs and I was assured by other physicians that it would run its course and disappear with time. I had used other antiseptic creams to try and prevent it spreading but nothing helped.

After using your wonderful cream for only 2 weeks the improvement was dramatic, with the existing spots and marks disappearing and no longer spreading, after another fortnight the viral infection is now completely gone. I have since used the cream on mosquito bites, blisters, cut fingers and even pimples.

I have happily informed many friends and my family on how marvelous your product is and will always make sure I keep some in my cupboard to have on hand. The results truly do speak for themselves, with such quick repair to damaged skin. I think it should be available everywhere. My heartfelt thanks and appreciation.
K. S. and Z (daughter) 

I am pleased to say that my family are now free of molluscums thanks to the wheat grass spray. Thanks.

22 June 2004

Hi, I’m writing to let you know the Dr Wheatgrass spray was nothing short of miraculous in its effect on my sons molluscum contagiosum. Within 24 hours (two treatments) the redness had gone from his rash. He had had the rash for approx. 9 months all round his groin area. We had tried other treatments including ‘burning” each molluscum with the only result being a very upset little boy. Dr Wheatgrass was easy to apply and allowed coverage of all molluscum. His rash completely disappeared after about 4 weeks of treatment.

Thank you Dr Wheatgrass.
G. B. Australia. September, 2007
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