by Robert McDowell. Veterinary Herbalist.
As you all know, a horse in a paddock will go to enormous lengths to puncture, rip, graze or tear itself open on anything it can find to do this on. It will also strike and bite at its neighbors and endeavor to hang itself up the fences whenever it can.
Horse owners are therefore constantly coming upon the wounds inflicted by this behavior and having to support their healing.
I have been trialling his new liquid spray preparation with the help of some of my patients and clients on a variety of open wounds over the past month and have had phenomenal results on the following cases;
Long term suppurating cancer sore in a serious human breast cancer case which was causing burning and discomfort which prevented the patient from sleeping at night. External burning sensation almost gone in two days, wound showing positive healing signs in a week and my patient is sleeping better and responding well to my other herbal treatments.
A weeping sore on the nose of a horse with cancer in the facial bones showed a very similar result to my breast cancer lady. The sore which was not painful, but showing no signs of healing whatsoever, immediately began to heal.
Fly bitten ears on a dog which weren’t healing and which required the ears to be bound to the dogs head to prevent it scratching. Bandages off, itching stopped and healing started within the week.
Hobble sores in pacers healing well.
Greyhound breeder with 120 odd pups and young dogs housed in groups and being constantly faced with bites and scratches is trialing the spray as his first aid and only response to all wounds. He simply walks around with his spray bottle at meal times and sprays the liquid on every wound he sees. He is delighted and it is simpler and quicker in its effect than anything he has ever used before.
We have a serious and simple treatment here folks. It should be in everybody’s tack room, first aid kit and float along with your bottle of Rescue Remedy, Herbal Bute Replacement and Hoof Oil.
I will be recommending it particularly to my Show Dog clients and my horse owners in the Western and English Show Circuit as it does offer a very simple and positive first aid response to all wounds.
Get a bottle as soon as possible and start using it.
Yours truly,
Robert McDowell, Herbalist